Register interest

Standard session price

Successful trial and casual sessions

Discount session price

Applicable if standard price is genuinely un-affordable

Free if ineffective

First session is free of charge if it fails to deliver immediate significant improvement.


The first step is to try our treatment and see what it does. The trial treatment is done over the phone and takes 1 hour. At the end of the trial treatment you decide if you feel significantly improved or not. We expect you to pay for the treatment if you feel immediate significant improvement, and it is free of charge if you do not.

Our pricing is very competitive, we offer discounts if needed and you only pay for results. We are open to negotiation if pricing is genuinely un-affordable.

We follow-up the trial 1 week later with a free follow-up consultation. There we assess how much improvement you have retained over 7 days and compare your response with other clients and their outcomes. We discuss what you wish to achieve and tailor a plan to your specific needs, finances and situation.

Why try a mind relaxation treatment?

Clients have consistently reported that our treatment greatly improves feelings of anxiety, depression and destructive thought patterns in the moderate to severe range by using only natural & alternative therapeutic methods (details). Our system is unique and can get results where other treatments have failed.

You can simply try it out and find out if it works for you. All you need to do is book an appointment and take a phone call. It is free if it has no immediate effect.

The treatment process is individually tailored to meet your specific needs and circumstances.

We have 10+ years experience delivering noticeable and measurable improvement in emotional well-being and we aim to deliver a long term result without using medication. Our treatment can be life changing.


Our phone treatment system is very convenient and private. You can receive treatment regardless of your location, only requiring access to a phone and mobile data network. This method of treatment is non-confrontational and can be done in the comfort of your own home which is especially beneficial for anxiety and panic attack sufferers.

Not only is it effective, our treatment is also very easy to do and it feels good. There is no homework, affirmations, tablets, special food or exercises. Nor is there any need to dig into past issues. Clients often describe this as the easiest treatment they have tried that delivers strong results.

History has shown that our clients are exceptionally happy with their results. We have over 100 reviews from clients who have undergone this treatment and they rate us 4.8 out of 5 stars.
4.8 out of 5 stars

We are guided by the South Australian HCSCC Health Commissioner’s code of conduct and our process is intentionally designed to be as fair and results oriented as possible.


Our business is 100% Australian owned and operated. All our treatment methods were independently developed in Australia.

Mind Relaxation Australia has proven popular, with over 10,000 Australians following us on social media.



Register interest for a trial and find out if this unique alternative treatment is effective for you. In the unlikely event that you don’t feel significantly improved immediately after the treatment then you will receive a full refund.

To register interest or seek further information; contact us by completing the form, call the phone number below, or use the green contact bubble bottom right for messaging us on WhatsApp or Viber. International clients REQUIRE WhatsApp, Viber or Facebook Messenger.

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  • This form is entirely confidential
  • You will not be subscribed to any marketing lists
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